The ICTER Guru Journal of English Language and Literature (IGJELL) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that publishes the full text of original research manuscripts, review articles, case studies, and so on. The publications frequency of the journal is quarterly (March, June, September, and December). The journal aims at improving the efforts of researchers and scholars to accomplish goals and objectives by using available resources, efficiently and effectively. The journal will be published in both online and print versions.
ICTER Guru Journal Template
Considered subject areas include:
- Language and Technology
- Linguistics
- Applied linguistics
- Comparative linguistics
- Computational linguistics
- Descriptive linguistics
- Language and gender
- Language and globalization
- Language and education
- Language research methods
- Second / Foreign language learning
- Professional discourse
- Ethnics and indigenous language
- Endangered language
- Language and literature (Theories, criticism, and history)
and relative topics in early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of educational and management science.
ICTER Guru publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual frameworks, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews.
ICTER Guru is inviting papers for the upcoming issue of the journal.
Please upload your manuscript here or send it to
Thank you.